Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mean Mean Garbage Man!

Ok, for those that know me know that I have always had a GREAT relationship with the garbage men in Birmingham.  I always gave them cold water in the hot summer, extra cash at Christmastime and an occasional baked cookie. is not so easy here in Raleigh!  I got blasted by a garbage man today!!  He literally came to my door and yelled at me for having my garbage cans too close together!  All I am saying is that if they came more than once a week and allowed you to put bags next to your can then I wouldn't have to have THREE garbage cans!  He told me that because they weren't 5 feet apart he had to get out of the truck to pick up my garbage cans.   Well, he didn't mind getting out of the truck to come to my door to yell at me!!!!  Stupid Stupid Raleigh!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I haven't posted in a while.  A lot has been going on.  There have been some really good things: Abby won it all at her gym meet (a post with pictures will come soon!)  Jake is playing basketball and seems to really like it!  They have had some spend the nights and play dates...BUT... I am still struggling!  It seems like each day that I try to take a step forward I move a few steps back.  Keith is STILL working 2 1/2 hours away everyday.  It is really putting a strain on our family.  Moving is one thing but adding never seeing Keith to the mix is really tough.  When he traveled in Birmingham it wasn't a big deal because I had such a network there, but here I have me, myself and I to take care of all that needs to be taken care of.  Not to mention, the CRAZY school situation.

I long desperately to move back home!  I know that may not be in God's plan and I am trying to accept that and I will, but I still long for it! I get tired of people acting like I just need to get over it and move on.  Those people obviously weren't as happy as I was in Hoover!  

Charlotte...the next big decision.  So, we have learned a lot being in Raleigh.  One of the main things is we don't feel like this is the right place for us.  So, we have a decision to make.  Do we move to Charlotte???  It is closer to most of the facilities Keith will be working at, it is closer to family and friends, the schools aren't tracked in/tracked out-reassigning all the time.  So why is the decision hard?  I will tell you....the thought of moving AGAIN!  And deep down I secretly hope that when the time comes to move Keith will have found a job back in AL (the REAL south) and I can go home!  

So I have been awake since 4:30 (which is pretty typical when I have a lot on my mind) sitting here thinking about where God is going to take my family!  I will continue to get on my knees and ask him to open the doors that need to opened and close the doors that need to be closed and to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR what the right decision is.  

A lesson I have learned...I am human and nothing more.  God is in total control and all I can do is wait and see where he leads me and yes, I will follow even if he has to drag me!