Friday, July 17, 2009

Ok-I am finally posting on my blog!  There are several reasons why it has taken me so long to start.  One, I couldn't remember how to and second, I was so depressed after moving I didn't want to scare anyone away from my blog!  

Well, we have been in Raleigh now for almost 4 weeks.  It truly feels like 4 months!  We have had so many adjustments to does anyone who moves.  I think school has been the biggest adjustment for our family.  We have not only started year round school, but it is multi-track year round school which means there are 4 different year round schedules for our school.  It is INSANE!!!  I think I could handle year round but I don't like that there are 4 different tracks.  It has made it really hard to meet kids in the neighborhood because there are so many different school schedules, not to mention the private schools, charter schools and magnet schools.  It is all too strange for this Alabama girl!!  BUT, the kids seem happy and are enjoying their teachers and their class.  As long as they are happy I can deal with the schedule...I guess!!

Even though I moved as a child I was not prepared emotionally for this move.  I thought I would be.  I thought I would be the ROCK for my family.  I thought I would allow God to help me.  I thought within no time we would have tons of friends.  I thought WRONG!  It has been so much harder for me than I thought it would be.  I long for my old life back!  I long for my friends and Abby and Jake's friends!  I long for Deer Valley!  It was so hard taking them to a different school on the first day, none of us knowing anyone.  There were no familiar faces anywhere to be found.  But, we survived it and we will continue to survive!  I have started leaning on God a lot more.  I should have from the beginning but I was a little mad at this whole situation.  I feel guilty for that, but I know he forgives me and has been waiting to help me!  I am now determined to have a good life here, yes deep down I hope desperately we will move back in a few years, but until then I want to make this work.  Keith works A LOT!  It took a me a few weeks to remember that this has been hard for him too..a new job, a new city, a new house, etc.   It hasn't been easy but we are making it!  God love him, he is helping as much as he can!

Abby and Jake are doing great!  The first week was rough for Abby.  Adjusting to a new gym was very difficult but that is much much better now.  The first week of school was really tough for Jake but that too is much better.  I am so proud of them!!  They are amazing!!  They are my Rock!


  1. Yay!!! You did it! Great, you gotta keep the posts coming so we can all pray with you. It was so awesome to have a nice long talk this morning. I just wish it could have been live and in person :) Guess we'll have to share our cups of coffee and glasses of wine over the phone! I love you girl, and I am praying for you every single day.

  2. P.S. Make sure you give it a title (the blog post I mean...). You have so much to learn young one (imagine that as if I were speaking like Yoda, ha!)
